Wednesday, March 07, 2007

An Actual Report of a Book – The Darwin Awards 4 : Intelligent Design

The Darwin Awards 4 : Intelligent Design By: Wendy Northcutt and Christopher M. Kelly
Humor, science, non-fiction 286 pages 8th grade reading level copyright 2006

We love the hear about how extremely stupid people are punished for their stupidity. So one would think we would love this book. We like the Darwin Awards as a whole, but this book was not worth the time it took to read. First, most of the stories aren’t that great. I mean not every time a person accidentally kills themselves is all that fun to hear about, most are just depressing. The couple that got run over while doing it in the street were warned multiple times about why this was a bad idea, making it worthy of a Darwin Award. And the first few stories about men putting fireworks, explosives etc. in or around their pants were funny (as are most stories about Darwin winners who are still alive.) But there are only so many times you want to read about it in a day. Also this book was very anti any believe but Darwinian Evolution as part of their anti-religionness. Now we don’t mind a few lighthearted pokes at the anti-science of fundamental creationist. But this was at times mean spirited to all religions. Sure you can’t prove that God caused evolution as part of a big plan. (Or gods, goddesses, aliens etc.) You can’t prove that evolution was the only thing that caused life to be the way it is either. (That’s why it’s only a theory, even thought all scientist believe in it.) And there are a lot of people that don’t see science and religion as two opposite things that are tired of people like this acting like it is. Historically, religion was one of the main forces behind scientific discoveries. From ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, Christendom, to Islam scientist either were the religious leaders, or where encouraged or paid by the religious leaders. But, enough ranting. Anyway all the stories are apparently on their website anyway, so you mind as well read them there if you want to see how many ways a man can render himself sterile with gunpowder. Also they are making a movie, although we don’t see how that would work.

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