Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Classic WNBNI

(Here is a Classic WNBNI from back in September of '03.)

Fill in the Word
(In which we make a fill in the blank story, which as you may know is completely useless.)

1.adjective ______________________ 2.noun plural _____________________
3.noun _________________________ 4.noun plural _____________________
5.verb __________________________ 6.verb –ing _______________________
7.verb-ing _______________________ 8. noun plural _____________________
9.verb ___________________________ 10.noun plural ____________________
11.noun _________________________ 12.verb __________________________
13.noun plural ____________________ 14.noun _________________________
15.adjective ______________________ 16.verb __________________________
17. noun ________________________ 18.month _________________________
19.noun __________________________ 20.color _________________________
21.color _________________________ 22.noun __________________________
23.noun _________________________ 24.verb __________________________
25.verb _________________________ 26.verb __________________________
27. noun ________________________ 28. noun __________________________
29.noun _________________________ 30. noun __________________________

Fall Fun
There are many 1 activities to do in the fall. The weather is nice and the 2 are changing 3. As the 4 5 off the trees, you can have fun 6 them into piles and then 7 into the piles.
This is also the time of the year when many 8 9. Many 10 enjoy going to 11 orchards. At many apple orchards you can do many things besides 12 apples. Often there are 13 of how 14 is made. There may also be 15 fresh made donuts to 16 with the cider. Some orchards even have 17 rides.
In 18 the pumpkins ripen. Finding you own 19 in a pumpkin patch makes for a fun outdoor afternoon. There are many types of pumpkins. They can be 2, yellow, 21 or even white. They also can be as small as a 22 or as big as a 23. Once you 24 your pumpkin, its time to make your Jack-o-lantern. There are many ways to make a Jack-o-lantern. If you don’t want to get messy, you can 25 your pumpkin. Or if you want a more traditional Jack-o-lantern you can 26 open the 27, remove its 28 and then cut a face on it. Then light it with a 29.
Over all fall is one of the most fun times of the 30.

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