Tuesday, April 07, 2020

Quarantine Edition Part 1 :

Right before the library closed, I picked out a bunch of books, as they aren't due until the library reopens. Once the shelter in place order happened, I decided to try and read about a book a day.  This grouping of books, were ones that I read right before then.

Murder by Misrule by: Anna Castle
Fiction: Historic, Mystery, E-book
Sir Francis Bacon is given the job of investigating a murder of a fellow barrister.  He gets the help of some of the law students who he is mentoring (due to the murder of their earlier mentor.)

The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl: Powers of a Squirrel  by:Ryan North, art by:Erica Henderson
Fiction: Graphic Novel, 184 pages
Squirrel girl goes to college, makes new friends and defeats evil.

Subject 11  by:Jeffrey Thomas
Fiction: Mystery, Paranormal, Short Story, E-book
Ten people agree to take part in a research study.  Each agrees to not share their names or too many details about themselves.  Also they need to daily talk in a "confession" room.  They can talk about anything, they just need to do it every day.  Or was it six people.  And where is the researchers.  Also every one was interviewed by the same person, but no two can agree on what that person looked like.

Typhoid Mary by:Charlie Dalton
Fiction: Paranormal, Mystery, Short Story, E-book
A horrible murder/suicide took place, with only one young girl surviving.  And with the title, one can get an idea of where this story is going.

Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor Volume 1 - Weapons of Past Destruction By: Cavan Scott, Blair Shedd
Fiction: Pop Culture, Sci-fi, Graphic Novel, 128 pages
 An adventure of the 9th doctor, Rose & Captain Jack.

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