Friday, June 03, 2022

May Books:

 I ended up completing my reading goal this month and so have upped it to 100 books for the year.

The Envious Siblings: and Other Morbid Nursery Rhymes by Landis Blair
Fiction: Poetry, 240 pages
A collection of nursery rhymes with a dark twist.  The art adds much to the book.

Star Wars: Han Solo by Marjorie M. Liu,  illustrated by: Mark Brooks, Olivier Coipel, et al
Fiction: Graphic Novel, Pop Culture, 120 pages
This story takes place after "A New Hope". In it Han must save the lives of some rebel spies by racing in the most dangerous and famous race in the galaxy.

Star Wars: Lando - Double or Nothing by Rodney Barnes, illustrated by Paolo Villanelli 
Fiction: Graphic Novel, Pop Culture, 112 pages
This story takes place before "Solo". 

A Guide to Sky Monsters: Thunderbirds, the Jersey Devil, Mothman and Other Flying Cryptids by T.S. Mart
Nonfiction: 200 pages
This book was weird, parts are encyclopedic entries on cryptids, some are stories of people seeing them, some are attempts to explain the science of how X known dinosaur age animal became Y cryptid, and there is a weird religious aspect of it mixed in too. 

Bloody Lessons -A Victorian San Francisco Mystery #3 by M. Louisa Locke
Fiction: Mystery. History, e-book
In book 3 of the series Annie has to work to find out about who is attacking the teachers of San Francisco (both physically and by attempts of blackmail, poison pen letters, and gossip.)  Of course this happens just when Nate's little sister becomes a teacher in town, and so she has multiple boarders that are affected by this.

Casket Chronicles: Living and Working in a Funeral Home is not What You Might Think by T.A. Walters
Non-Fiction: Memoir, E-book
This book is about being a young man in the 1960's who got a job working at and living in a funeral home.

Ghosts: Classic Monsters of Pre-Code Horror Comics edited by Steve Banes
Fiction: Graphic Novel, Pop Culture, Paranormal, 240 pages
This is a selection of stand alone comics about ghosts that were made in the pre code days.

 Tales from the Umbrella Academy: You Look Like Death by Gerard Way, Shaun Simon, I.N.J. Culbard 
Fiction: Pop culture, paranormal, Graphic novel 192 pages
This story takes place before the show and stars Klaus at age 18.  He gets kicked out of the Academy and goes on an adventure that involves ghosts, vampires, monsters, and relish.

The People That Time Forgot by Edgar Rice Burroughs
Fiction: Classic, Sci Fi, E-book
In this book in the series, there is possible even less dinosaurs then the 1st book. There is also less time spent describing the "less evolved" humanoids, so at least there's that. Also it didn't count as a sci-fi or fantasy book in the Kindle summer reading program, which is junk!

The List by Jade Chang 
Non-fiction: Short read, e-book
This was book 1 in a series that was under a "Top picks for you" section on-line.  And book 2 is about a semi local area, so I though I'd try them.  Its all about making a list to find your true love, dealing with it many relating to someone who thinks it is magic, but also talking about "the Secret" and things like that being used in different cultures.   

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