Saturday, December 31, 2016

End of the Year:

Well I have done 1 of my 3 goals for sure and 2 of them most likely.  Next year, I think that I will skip new year resolutions for a year.

Happy New Year!!!!
(in a few hours)

Friday, December 30, 2016

A Collection of Short, Disappointing E-books:

Unusually Effective: 25 Unusual yet Effective Social Media Marketing Strategies for Creating an Irresistible Brand, Ultimate Business Growth and Massive Profits: By Akshay Desai
Non-fiction: E-book
E-book Count: 28

Besides the super long title this book was the least disappointing of the books I read.  It was only disappointing as I was looking for books that would deal with general social media marketing, and this short book only dealt with if you had a brick and mortar business and wanted to do lots of ads all over the internet with the most bang for your buck.

 How to do Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Monetization of YouTube Videos by: Jyoti Jitendra
Non-fiction: E-book
E-book Count: 29

This also short book seamed like it would be more of what I was looking for; however, it also was mostly made for business that want to make ad videos on YouTube.  And then use SEO, and sites that you can buy views from to make them popular, although, everything that it suggested would most likely result in downvotes and clicking off before the video was done in the real world.

SEO for Beginners and YouTube Traffic for Beginners By: Red Michael
Non-fiction: E-book
E-book Count: 30 & 31

This set of books were by far the most disappointing, spammy, & shady acting in the group.  The SEO one suggesting things like spamming blogs with your url links, making links to bigger websites to piggyback on their name, buying expired domains to build backlinks, and sharing MP3s of you talking about how great your website is and sharing it on filesharing sites. 
The YouTube one was all about a business that wanted to make a youtube ad.  It also had paying for people to watch it and paying people to make backlinks to your video using multiple urls.   

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Youtube Books:

Both of these books were 10-15 minute reads and on the same subject, so I placed then together.

The 10 YouTube Commandments by: Matt Gielen
Non-fiction, E-book
E-book Count: 26

Literally a list of the 10 things you need to do to run a successful YouTube channel with a short amount of info on what that means and real life examples.

YouTube Domination Startup in 10 Minutes by: Freebie Johnny
Non-fiction, E-book
E-book Count: 27

How to set up a YouTube channel.  

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Ketogenic Fat Bomb Recipes:

Ketogenic Fat Bomb Recipes by: Nom Foodie
Non:fiction: Food, E-book
E-book Count: 25

Note: this book is too short to count as a book.

Besides that it is exactly what the title says it is.  A short collection of fat bomb recipes along with the basics for how to make a fat bomb recipe and a little on the Keto diet.  

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Blessed is She Who Believed:

Blessed is She Who Believed: Mary's Pilgrimage of Faith by: Juan Jose Bartolome SDB
Non-fiction: Religion, E-book
E-book Count: 24
Book Count: 39

I thought for Christmas a book on Mary would be interesting.  As I read this book there were many times that I stopped reading the book for a moment to double check that this book was not written by a Protestant.  (Not that I would be against reading a book on Mary by a Protestant or haven't before, just that a number of the things in the book sounded like the author was Protestant.)  As you might see there are letters after the author's name, they are for the Salesians of Don Bosco, so the author is probably a monk or priest, making some of the things in this book even more confusing.   

The main idea of the book is about Mary's faith journey and how it connects the the journey that all Christians are called to.  A sort of, what Mary did in her life physically all believers are called to do spiritually, idea.   It is broken up into sections based on only events recorded in the Bible.  So it starts at the beginning of Luke and ended in the Acts of the Apostles.  It also mostly only uses what was written in the Bible for their ideas on the events, (hence, part of my thoughts on it being written by a Protestant,)  so in this book Mary thought that once she gave birth to the Savior she was done and could go back to the "normal" life that she had planed out with Joseph because that was all the the angel asked of her, and that because she wasn't noted as following Jesus around, she in the rest of His family didn't see his vision, etc.   There is also a section which implies that most Catholics do all the Mary worshiping things that Protestants accuse people of, followed by the statement that you could be as great as Mary.  This is followed by a chapter on how one needs Mary to get to Jesus which would seam expected in a book of this type, but not after a chapter on how you all use Mary as a way to not get to Jesus.  At that point in the book I was going to finish it, just to finish it, so when it got to it's ideas on Jesus telling John to treat Mary like his mother, (who in this book is just the unnamed disciple that Jesus loved, because that was what the Bible said literally,)  I was not surprised that this wasn't a touching moment of a son providing for his mother, or a symbol of the Church and how we are all brothers and sisters, but just God once again giving Mary a new job with out asking her first.