Tuesday, March 27, 2007

No Pot on Passover

As you may know Passover starts next Monday at dusk. Because of this the Green Leaf Party, Isreal's pro-marijuana party has stated that pot is not allowed during Passover and should be removed from homes during this time. We at Weird News BNI think that this is an attempt by the pot selling members of this party to get people to buy more pot after the holiday, buy forcing them to throw out thier stash now and go threw withdrawls. But, it looks like it is not entirely working as Sephardic Jews do not follow any bans on marijuana and the rule on pot offical ly outlawed hemp seeds for Passover. And you know that there are potheads who would pick through their whole stash if it meant that they could keep smoking. (Although, as pot is illeagal in Isreal, we have to wonder how many opservent Jews there smoke anyway.)

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