Friday, July 20, 2007

A Review of a Book

As all of you know at midnight the new Harry Potter book comes out, the 7th and last in the series. Because of this we thought the we would refresh in your mind what happened in the last book, “Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince” (#6). Note: if for some odd reason you are planning to read the 6th book but haven’t yet then please skip today’s blog entry. OK, is everyone where I could ruin the book gone? . . . Good, so now what happened last book. 1st, Voldemont is alive and back in power of the Death-Eaters. This has caused many bad things to happen. Harry is learning all about the past of Tom Riddle who became Voldemont. He learns that he has become the chosen one who is to destroy Voldemont, not because of prophesy, but because that is how Voldemont chose to see the prophesy. He also learned that Voldemont has hidden parts of his soul in 6 objects. One is in a journal that has already been destroyed. One is in a ring that is destroyed during the book. One is in a necklace that maybe destroyed. One is in a cup, and the others maybe in objects from the founders Ravenclaw and Gryffindor or in the snake living under the school. (And readers have thought in Harry or his scar.) All of these bits of soul must be destroyed before Voldemont is. Also Draco is working for Voldemont and was to kill Dumbledore. He was unable to, but either because: he is working for Voldemont, he promised with the unbreakable promises, or as part of a plan to stop Voldemont, Snape killed Dumbledore using a forbidden spell. And now he and Draco are in hiding. (Snape is also the half-blood prince who wrote spells and notes all over Harry’s potions book.) Also Harry was dating Ginny Weasley his best friend’s little sister but broke it off for fear that Voldemont would hurt her to get to him. Also he is turning 17 the age a wizard is an adult. Hogwarts might not open next year but in any case Harry will not be there as after Bill Weasley’s marriage to Fluer in the summer he is going to set out to destroy Voldemont. And a lot more things happen, but that should be enough of a refresher to those that will start reading book 7 some time tomorrow.

Book info: Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince, book 6 in the Harry Potter series by: J.K. Rowling
Fiction, Fantasy 652 pages 6th grade reading level, copyright 2005


Anonymous said...

VoldemoRt, not moNt.

Have finished reading "Deathly Hallows" but am still anal retentive HP nerd.

Anonymous said...

Also, the snake Horcrux was Voldemort's snake Nagini, who we met in "Goblet of Fire," not a snake under the school - which would be the dead basilisk from "Chamber of Secrets."