Wednesday, August 08, 2007

A Book in Review – Skin

Skin By: Ted Dekker
Fiction: Sci-fi, Mystery 395 pages copyright 2007

First, this book was unlike any Ted Dekker books I have read before, not that it was different in a bad way, but I just felt I needed to give a heads up to any one that had read his books before. This book was not overtly religious. In fact, it has very few religious ideas or discussion. One of the main characters was raised in a cult, but the book does not really go into it much except to explain how that negatively affected the person. There are multiple references to numbers connected with the Bible, i.e. six days of creation and 666 as evil. And there is an underlying theme of evil in the form of ugliness. But it is a book very much written in a scientific world with out any of the miracles or actual demons that you would expect in his writing. However, it still has the feel of his writings that makes you want to keep reading to find out what happens next.

The story it’s self is about a killer on the loose in a small town in Nevada that is seeking revenge on a man there who is a police officer that has no idea who this person is or why they are out to kill him. Also do to, a snakebite and a freak outbreak of twisters (rem: Nevada, not Kansas) a brother and sister and a woman on her way to see her mother also end up in the town together. Due to mysterious circumstances a famous pro gamer is also in the town. Soon, the killer is after all of them forcing them to play his deadly game. None of them know each other (excluding the siblings) or the killer, but the killer knows them. And that is all I can say on the plot with-out giving it away. I know I really didn’t get into the Sci-Fi part of the story as it is such a major part it would give the story away, but I can say that some would say it could be more science fact then fiction. (start scary music here.)

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