Wednesday, September 12, 2007

An Explanation on “Note for Self” Books

Like most avid readers we at Weird News BNI like to keep track of the books we read. We take joy in being able to say “I read 105 books last year.” Or “I read an average of 32 pages in a day.” (Both facts are completely made up as I don’t feel like doing the math now.) However, the point is like other readers the world over I have the compulsion to record my readings, and as I have decided that it is silly to write a report on some book I just felt like reading from the 1970’s that you wouldn’t get even if it sounded interesting. And that would be impossible to get if it weren’t for the fact that you can find most everything on E-bay. (I once saw a person selling dirt in a jar.) I will be listing the books under the “Note for Self” title, so you can skip it (unless you want to admire my reading prowess) and I can have all my info in one place. (Although, I may add a little note in it just incase you’re reading it.)

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