Tuesday, January 08, 2008

A Book in Review – When Will Jesus Bring the Pork Chops?

Book Count: 2

When Will Jesus Bring the Pork Chops? By: George Carlin
Non-Fiction: Humor, 295 pages 2004
We heard a lot of good things about this book when it first came out, and so when we saw it we thought we would enjoy reading it. We find Goerge Carlin’s work to be largely funny; at times more offencive then funny, but overall some one we would watch perform as long as we weren’t hanging out with our grandparents or some one like that. But this book wasn’t that good. For the first 20 pages or so we seriously considered not finishing the book. The book has three major problems. First, some of the material just wasn’t that funny to start with. Some things would be funny, it we were watching it being preformed with the change in tones, timing and actions to realy get us involved with the joke, but being words on a page causes the joke to fall flat or made it go from humorous anger to “this guy should see a shrink and take some pills before he kills someone,” anger. And lastly some things were funny, even as they were, but the joke was just taken too far so that it lost some of its humor. For example a bit on how people compare size of tumors to fruits was followed by one about how they compare them to sports equipment (i.e. balls). Each was funny on it’s own but together not that good.

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