Monday, February 04, 2008

A Book in Review – Discovering the Mysteries of Ancient America

Book Count: 12

Discovering the Mysteries of Ancient America: Lost History and Legends, Unearthed and Explored Edited By: Franck Joseph
Non-fiction: alternative histories, archeology 264 pages 2006

This book is all about the finds in the Americas that do not fit the popular view of American History (i.e. Native Americans can here over the Bering Strait from Asia chasing game, Columbus discovered America etc.) And about how science backs these finds, but people don’t want to believe them. Some of the things that they have written about are things that you are starting to hear about in specials on history/learning channels today as possibilities or are generally believed by people now. (Vikings landing in North America before Columbus, the Aztec calendar predicting the end of the world in Dec 2012 etc.) And some it will take much more proof before it could be taken seriously by scientist and historians (Some Native Americans were white and some came here 40,000 years ago.) Some is just odd (tablets found buried in Michigan could explain the golden scroll of the Mormon Church.) But, it was fun to read these odd bits of history and then be able to see if and how such finds might change our views of history in the future.

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