Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A Book in Review: The Ultimate Book of Useless Information

The Ultimate Book of Useless Information: A Few Thousand More Things You Might Need to Know (But Probably Don't) By: Noel Botham & The Useless Information Society
non-fiction: facts, humor, popular reference 215 pages
Book count: 5

First, like most books of this type I found things incorrect with the "facts," which really annoys me. This one was a lot better then most in that the thing that I knew was wrong was about ducks and echoes, which anyone that watches Mythbuster's knows their quack does echo, but you need complex sound machinery to find out. Also, they did the "sir" loin myth which at least is debated by people. Anyway, there were a lot of interesting facts in here, as well as quotes from famous people. It is arranged in short groups of similar facts. Each fact was only a line or two of the information with no back story, this makes it a quick read.

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