Friday, November 05, 2010

A Holiday Book in Review: How to Write Action Adventure Novels

The Writer's Digest Genre Writing Series- How to Write Action Adventure Novels By: Michael Newton
Non-fiction: writing 154 pages
Book Count: 76

This book is all about how to write books in the action adventure genre. It deals with what makes a book that genre, famous authors/series in the genre,issues with writing that genre and general writing information. The general writing tips are also geared for the genre. For example, while most books on writing talk about paceing in a way to remind you to add excitment to the book this one reminds you that it cann't be none stop explosions, fights and chasing and be believable, even if you don't write about sleeping, eating and using the bathroom in writing you need to give the protaginist some breaks where a person could do these things. The book is from 1989, but most of the information is still usefull. Many of the authors he talks about either still write, or you could easily find their books. Although most reasurch now would include using the internet as many of the books he menchioned were about the history of an orginzation or refrence on guns/uniforms/vehicales of differnt wars they would still be useful. The one place where the age of the book is an issue is in the chapter one getting published. In that section the majority of advice is no longer useful. For example: it states that you don't need an agent when today most publishers will not read books without one and that if you do try to get an agent they may charge a reading fee when now a reading fee is a red flag for writers.

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