Saturday, February 28, 2015

Forming Intentional Disciples:

Forming Intentional Disciples: The Path to Knowing and Following Jesus By: Sherry A. Weddell
Non-Fiction: Religion 255 pages
Book Count: 6

This book deals a lot with the statistics about religion in America and the author's belief on why they are changing the way that they are.  With the main points being that continuing doing things the way that worked decades ago will not work, and that if we want people to join or stay in the church then they need to become intentional disciples and be in an environment where that is the norm.  It then goes into the levels/thresholds of conversion and how to help bring people/a parish to a life of discipleship.  The five thresholds are: initial trust (a trust or positive connection with something or someone relating to Christianity), spiritual curiosity (wanting to know more), spiritual openness ( being open to the possibility of change), spiritual seeking (an active seeking), and lastly intentional discipleship (an intentional commitment to follow Jesus.)  The book uses a lot of personal stories to highlight how things look in real life as well.

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