Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Food of the Gods:

Food of the Gods by: Cassandra Khaw
Physical Book Count: 52
Book Count: 60

Rupert Wong is a cannibal chef.  By that I mean that he is a human that cooks other humans.  He doesn't eat them, he is a chef for a dynasty of ghouls in Kuala Lumpur.  He also works as an administrator for the Ten Chinese Hells.   His girlfriend is dead, having been murdered before he met her, and her unborn monster baby lives with them too.   Also he lives in a world where all the mythologies of the world are real and work much like gangs where they have turf and alliances/wars with the other mythologies.  Even more modern fictional pantheons and "worshiped" things are real.  
So Rupert had a full life of hacking up and cooking humans for ghouls, talking to kwee kia that want to unionize, and filing paperwork on gods, demi-gods, and other mythical beings.  Then a dragon shows up asking him to find proof that his daughter was killed by a fury.  From there his life gets crazy fast.

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