Saturday, July 13, 2019

The Little Book of Big Mistakes:

The Little Book of Big Mistakes by:Ken Lytle
Non-Fiction: History, 220 pages

I took this book with me on a trip.  If I hadn't I might not have finished it.  Each page is about a "Big Mistake" that happened in history in chronological order, some have a short paragraph at the end that relates to the story but not necessary directly.  When it started with the original sin as a story of a woman that wanted to go apple picking, I thought I would give it a chance on a story that was more historic, factual, detail based.  There were a few stories that I knew and were like meh, not a good explanation, but then it did the Galileo was 100% correct with the science to prove it and the Church was just anti-science and backwards myth, where I was like did you look into any of these things or just repeat the half truth elementary school version of these events?   

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