Sunday, December 22, 2019

Atomic Accidents:

Atomic Accidents: A History of Nuclear Meltdowns and Disasters: From the Ozark Mountains to Fukushima by James Mahaffey
Non-fiction: Science, History, E-book

This book tells the story of nuclear energy by highlighting the times that things went wrong.  Many of these stories have one thing in common, human error.  Sometimes, the error was something stupid, like using a screwdriver to separate nuclear material that would go super critical, if say the screwdriver slipped.  Or doing the exact opposite of what the regulations said.  Sometimes, it was the one thing that the engineers didn't plan for.  Sometimes, it was wanting to react quickly, but not having all the needed information.  And sometimes it was just a series of problems that compounded.  At least once the issue was that rats ate some cables. 

Also, apparently this book is 619 pages.  As I read the e-book, I didn't know this until I was done. 

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