Saturday, February 27, 2021

February Books

Epic Fails: The Edsel, the Mullet, and Other Icons of Unpopular Culture by: Salvador Jimenez Murguia
Non-fiction: History, Pop Culture, 184 pages
This book is a collection of things that were well known failures.  It goes over what each thing was, how it connected to things that the time and why and how it happened.  

The Great Mortality: An Intimate History of the Black Death, the Most Devastating Plague of All Time by: John Kelly 
Non-fiction: History, science 364 pages
A history of the Black Death including how it traveled around the world, what types of the plague it likely was, and current thoughts and counter thoughts on it.

Haunted Flint by: Roxanne Rhoads, Joe Schipani
Non-fiction: History, Paranormal, 144 pages
This book is more about the history of Flint than just ghost stories.  It does include why some places were thought to be haunted and possible ghostsly pictures but the history that lead to the possible haunting is in the forefront of the stories.  

Middle Finger of Fate (Trailer Park Princess #1) by: Kim Hunt Harris
Fiction: Mystery, Christian, E-book
First, this book is very much a Christian fiction book.  The title and description made me think it was more of a humorous  mystery (which it also is) but it is not a mystery novel where the characters happen to be Christian, but a Christian novel that is about a mystery.  Besides that Salam is a recovering alcoholic who finds a dead body on the way to her AA meeting at church, and then decides to solve the mystery after the police arrest her (possibly) ex-husband for it.  She works on solving the case with the help of her dog, a senior citizen with a colorful past of her own, and the "Pickle Mobile."  

Everything Is Going to Kill Everybody: The Terrifyingly Real Ways the World Wants You Dead
by: Robert Brockway
Non-fiction: Science, Pop Culture, humor, 272 pages
This book covers all the major ways that you can die at anytime from things all around you.  It includes natural disasters, as well as science gone wrong.  Also it is written by a writer from Cracked and has related humor as Cracked.

Grace, Grits and Ghosts: Southern Short Stories by: Susan Gabriel
Fiction: Short Story, E-book
This book is a collection of short stories, some of which are based on the author's larger novels and/or interconnected with each other.  

Tell Me The Odds: A 15 Page Introduction To Bayes Theorem by: Scott Hartshorn
Non-fiction: Math, Science, Short Story, E-book
This short work is on how to tell the odds of something if you know the outcome.

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