Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A Book in Review: In Search of the Genesis World

In Search of the Genesis World: Debunking the Evolution Myth By: Erich A. Von Fange
Non-fiction, religion 361 pages
Book Count: 49
NYR page count: 1093

This book was suspoust to be a book on "a well-researched, Christian response to the origins of the world and universe" as it says on the back of the book. That is not what the book is. It is fairly good at pointing out the problems with evolution theory, but as far as the Christian response the author mainly says "evolution is wrong and evil, my personal literal translation of the Bible is the only answer." Which he never bothers to explain in detail, as it must be obvious, never mind the issues with the time lines between a literal belief of the creation story in Genesis 1 verses the story in Genesis 2. He even takes pains to insult other less literal beliefs on the Bible. For example, although it has little to nothing to do with the book, he makes a point of talking about how Moses wrote the first 5 books of the Bible on his own, and it was not a combination of authors as many now think. Never mind that Moses dies before the end of the books (Deuteronomy 34:5) or that there is things written about after he died. (Deuteronomy 34:6-12). Like any good Christian fundamentalist he also says insulting things about Catholics based on misinformation and randomly says insulting things on Muslims. (That as far as I know are also incorrect.) (extra note: he was correct in that at the present time there is nothing stopping a Catholic from believing in Evolution, but as it hasn't been proven as a fact it's not required, and it is not do to the work of Teihard de Chardin and the Piltdown man.)

His arguments about the problems of evolution are at times good and at time defeating to his own argument. For example, as someone that believes that the earth is about 6,000 years old he writes on the problems of ageing things with methods like carbon dating. Which, he does make some good points about. Then he uses times when modern men are found dated way to old for current evolution thought as proff to it being false. He says that dinosaurs lived past the flood and were the dragons and sea monsters in ledgions, but has them randomly dieing off some time after that, and adds a couple insults to people that belief in the Loch Ness Monster, which many think fits into his dinosaur theory. He insists that scientist only believe in gradual changes and won't recognize any time of fast changes and disasters, never mind the numerous times I have seen a science show on past disasters in pre-history. As I said earlier some of his arguments are good. He raises questions on the age of things in space that seam very young. He points out problems in dating materials. He points out things that have been discarded for not fitting into current thoughts on the Earth as well as how one must also believe in Evolution like on does in religions and how that colors how one sees things.

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