Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A Holiday Book in Review: Blackwood Farm

Blackwood Farm By: Anne Rice
Fiction: paranormal 530 pages
Book Count: 65

First, why is it that once a person that writes fantasy/paranormal gets famous they are allowed to publish books that are 3 inches thick? I mean I liked the book, but 530 pages? And you could also get the book on tape, how long is that 48 hours?
But, now that I'm done with my rant about the book, about the book. This book is part of the vampire chronicles, but it is not about Lestat. It also is more about ghosts then vampires. Most of the book is the main character's life story. It was interesting to read and although it was long it wasn't boring. I was only complaining about the length because it seams that it is a trend in this area of writing. The books ending was also unexpected, but not in a way that made you feel as if the author was hiding things the whole book.

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