Friday, October 23, 2009

Impossible Quiz II– Are You Still Psychic?

Note: All answers are based on when the quiz was originally made. This was about 2 p.m. Also although we at W.N.B.N.I. prefer to use the royal we in cases when the plural we would not be correct, this would sound silly in this case. So we will use the writer instead in this case.

1. What color ink was this originally written in?
A. Blue B. Black C. Green D. it wasn’t done in ink
2. What TV network is the writer watching?
A. Food Network B. Discovery Channel C. History Channel
D. Comedy Central
3. What color socks are the writer wearing?
A. White B. Gray C. Black D. Green
4. What is the writer doing right after this? A. going to a book sale B. Resting C. Picking up her kid from school D. dishes
5. What number is the writer thinking of?
A. 3 B. Pi (3.14. . .) C. 97.53312 D. 12
6. What color is the writer thinking of?
A. Orange B. Blue C. Green
D. Pink
7. What is the writer sitting on?
A. Sofa B. Bed C. Chair D. Beanbag
8. What is on the writer’s right hand?
A. Pen Mark B. Sticker C. Sleeping Baby
D. Nothing
9. What was just found on the writer’s shoe?
A. Green Pig sticker B. Toilet Paper C. Pink post-it note
D Nothing
10. Quick what is the writer thinking now?
A. Spork B “I’m Sailing Away . . .” C. ET Phone Home D. Llamas

Answers to follow scoring, so you aren’t reading the answer for number 10 before you answer it.

0-3 Right:
Statically if you randomly picked an answer you would get this score. Go on try it. Roll a die: on 1 the answer is A, on 2 the answer is B, on 3 it’s C, on 4 it’s D, and 5 or 6 means reroll.

4-6 right:
You’re a good guesser.

7-8 right:
Maybe you are a psychic.

9-10 right:
You should go by some lotto tickets, but you knew we would write that.

1. D
2. B
3. C
4. A
5. D
6. B
7. A
8. C
9. D
10. A

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