Tuesday, December 02, 2014

NYR: Update

For those of you that have been keeping track of my NYR (new year's resolution) count you might see that I have read 7 of 12 books that I physically own.  Meaning that I only need to read 5 books this month, as well as the 3 library books that I have checked out, and the 1 book that I have just borrowed from a friend.  I have started 4 of the 5 books; however, I don't know if I shall ever get around to finishing 1 of them leaving 2 whole books to read and 3 partial.  So a completely doable amount of reading: if there wasn't a major holiday this month (with its 4 family get togethers, friend/organizational get togethers, shopping, gift wrapping, baking, decorating, etc.), as well as a cookie walk (that I think I might have been drafted into), normal meetings, classes and events, and the fact that the next time Pat asks when you are free to do something, I really need to point out that I can help out on some of the dates, not every last time I don't have something else making it impossible for me to help out.

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