Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Fruitful Discipleship:

Fruitful Discipleship: Living the Mission of Jesus in the Church and the World by: Sherry A. Weddell
Non-fiction, religion, 232 pages
Physical Book Count:1
Book Count:5

1: This is the 3rd book in a series of books on discipleship.  My review of book 1 is here.    And my review of book 2 is here. 
2: Having read both of the other books, I put this book on my Christmas wish list.  I did not get it and so used my Christmas money on it, because I wanted it that badly.
3: This book talks about the Diocese of Lansing and the Forming Intentional Disciples Forum a lot for real life examples of things it talks about.
4. Just today Sherry personally responded to a comment that I made on the Forum.

That being said, this book is a little different then the other books in the series.  Instead of being mostly focused on how to form Intentional Disciples in the church, this book largely deals with the charisms that should start being displayed in  the life of disciples.  It also includes how these might be used in life to lead other people threw one or more of the thresholds leading to discipleship in them.  It notes that all baptized Christians have been given charisms (aka supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit to be used to build up the Church.)  It goes over the most common charisms that are found in Called & Gifted workshops, which is a program made to help people find out what their gifts are.These are: encouragement, helps, hospitality, mercy, pastoring, evangelism, prophecy, teaching, administration, leadership, giving,service, celibacy, extraordinary faith, missionary, voluntary poverty, healing, intercessory prayer, knowledge, wisdom, craftsmanship, music, and writing.  For each one it goes into what the charism is, what it is not, how it might be different then the call of all Christians to do something similar (i.e. everyone is called to pray for each other, but a charism of intercessory prayer is different then just that.)  It also has a real life example of someone with this gift using it.  A very important note after going over the list is that you can not just take a survey, or read this book and find out what all of your charisms are.  They can be used as a start, but as 2 people can do the same thing using 2 different charisms, having someone trained in discerning charisms and going into detail about the how and why one uses their gifts helps ones determine the exact gifts one has.  Of course many people use their charisms without ever knowing what gift they are using to do what they do; however, it can be helpful to know this so one can work in areas where their gifts will yield the most fruit.

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