Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Diabetes Code: Prevent and Reverse Type 2 Diabetes Naturally:

The Diabetes Code: Prevent and Reverse Type 2 Diabetes Naturally by: Dr. Jason Fung
Non-fiction: Science, 288 Pages

I already follow many things that Dr Fung and others with similar ideas do, but I wanted to see if this book would be good for a family member who is diabetic, but follows the ADA's recipe for increasing meds and illness, and who also does not understanding why I will not eat their pasta with garlic bread and salad with low fat dressing as a "heart healthy" meal.  Although, some of the science might be beyond their understating (not that it is complex, just that this person is rather anti-science and so anything not at basic high school level science is above them,) over all, I think that this book that will speak, even to them, about ways that they can help deal with their diabetes. So over all, a good read for someone that is a beginner at actually treating diabetes and a good reminder for people that have already studied the works of people like Dr. Fung.

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