Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Vine Witch:

The Vine Witch: Vine Witch #1 by: Luanne G. Smith
Fiction: Fantasy, paranormal, E-book

After spending years as a toad after a curse, the vine witch, Elena comes back to her beloved vineyard to find that so many things have changed.  The land has been sold to a man of science that doesn't believe in using vine witches and other "superstitions"  in making wine.  He is sure there is a science to it that he can use to make the perfect wine.  The man who she spurned, who she is sure is the one that caused her to be cursed has become the richest wine maker in the land.  Also he is married,to someone who also has magic abilities.  And her grandmere, seams to be losing her powers as the vineyard is full of curses, a gargoyle and something else. 

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